[Sinn Fein]

4th January 2000

Extradition warrants on Angelo Fusco must be rescinded

Sinn Fein Councillor Martin Ferris today strongly criticised the arrest, on extradition warrants, of Angelo Fusco whose family have lived in Kerry for many years. Councillor Ferris described the decision as ``wrong'' and called on the government to immediately rescind the extradition warrants.

Councillor Ferris said:

``The decision to arrest Angelo Fusco, on extradition warrants, is wrong.

``For the Irish government to involve itself in the extradition of any Irish citizen on political charges is completely at odds with the commitment to release all political prisoners which lies at the heart of the Good Friday Agreement.

``The government should immediately move to rescind the warrant against Angelo Fusco and all outstanding extradition warrants against those facing political charges.

``Today's action will cause great anger and resentment in the nationalist community.''

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