[Sinn Fein]

9th January 2000

Adams to meet Clinton

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP will this week lead a senior delegation of party representatives to the United States. A spokesperson for Mr. Adams said:

Gerry Adams MP, the Minister for Education Martin McGuinness MP and Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD for Cavan and Monaghan will travel to the United States this week for a series of political meetings and briefings, media interviews and public and private meetings with support organisations in Irish America.

Gerry Adams will meet President Clinton in the White House on Wednesday at 2.30pm (US time)

The three Sinn Fein leaders will then hold a press conference in New York on Thursday morning and will speak at a public event that evening.

On Friday Martin McGuinness will travel to Washington where he will meet his opposite number in the Clinton Administration, the Secretary of State for Education Richard Riley, to discuss areas of mutual interest and co-operation.

This will be the first trip to the US by a Sinn Fein Minister.

It had been planned that the Minister for Health Bairbre de Brun would also travel as part of the delegation but because of the crisis affecting the health service it was decided to postpone her trip until a later date.

The members of the delegation will hold a series of private meetings, including briefings with the editorial boards of several major US newspapers.

This visit will provide the Sinn Fein leadership with an opportunity to brief the White House and other key figures as well as support organisations in Irish America. We will take the opportunity to thank them for all of their help and support and ask them to maintain that focus in the time ahead.''ENDS

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