[Sinn Fein]

10th April 2000

For immediate release

Sinn Fein demands action not spin

Sinn Fein North Belfast Assembly representative Gerry Kelly, speaking at Stormont today on the second anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement said:

``We don't want to hear the latest spin from Mr. Mandelson, we want positive action, we want him to undo the damage he did when he collapsed the institutions by reinstituting them immediately.

``Today instead of celebrating the progress which the Good Friday Agreement should have made by now, the reality is that the process is at its lowest and most dangerous point in years.

``The responsibility for this lies firmly with the British government. It has singularly failed to defend the integrity of the Agreement and has instead conceeded to the UUP the ability to veto progress.

``We don't want empty rhetoric from Mr. Mandelson, we want the implementation of the Good Friday Agreement and the re-establisment of the institutions which he tore down.''ENDS

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