[Sinn Fein]

6 July 2000

Lurgan Decisions Wrong

Sinn Fein Upper Bann Assembly member Dr. Dara O'Hagan has criticised the decision of the Parades Commission to allow both of the Orange Order and the Royal Black Preceptory to march in the William Street area of Lurgan on the 12th and 13th of July.

Dr. O'Hagan said: ``The decision to allow these marches to proceed through an entirely nationalist area of Lurgan is wrong. There has been no attempt by the Loyal orders to engage in dialogue with local residents.

``The decision will undoubtedly raise tensions in the Upper Bann area even further over the Drumcree period. The decision seems to contrast sharply with the determination of the Parades Commission regarding the Drumcree and Lower Ormeau Parades.

``Decisions like these only serve to encourage the intransigent attitude of the Orange Order in refusing to engage with local residents.''


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