[Sinn Fein]

18 July 2000

Orange hall fire serves no useful purpose says Gerry Kelly

Sinn Fein Assembly member for North Belfast, Gerry Kelly, has said that the burning of Orange halls will achieve nothing and he has called on those responsible to stop their activities immediately..

Mr Kelly was speaking after the burning of an Orange hall in the Ligoniel area of his North Belfast constituency. He said:

``In spite of the provocative behaviour of the Orange Order in the last week, its desire to foist its views upon all and sundry, and its determination to parade through areas where its members are not wanted by local residents, nothing will be achieved by damaging property belonging to the organisation.

``I have, on many occasions, called on members of the Orange Order to desist >from activity which rides roughest over the sensitivities of others. I now call on those who would damage properly belonging to the orange Order to desist from this activity immediately.''


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