[Sinn Fein]

21 August 2000

Loyalist feud a matter of concern to all - Belfast councillor

Commenting on the shooting of two loyalists in North Belfast this afternoon, Belfast Sinn Fein Councillor Tom Hartley said:

``The violent deterioration of events within loyalist circles comes as a matter of concern to all citizens of this city.

``Loyalist leaders must take steps to resolve this situation as a matter of urgency.

``At this point, a considerable injection of cool and collective thinking is required. And above all else, the leaderships of those loyalist organisations involved in the ongoing internecine dispute must be prepared to step back from the brink.

``Nationalists will view the events within loyalism with particular concern. If our history has taught us anything it is that loyalist feuding is usually brought to an end by the organisations involved uniting to launch a sectarian onslaught against Catholic people. It is therefore imperative that all people remain calm but extremely vigilant in the days ahead.''

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