[Sinn Fein]

1 June 2001

Government position at odds with European leaders

Sinn Fein spokesperson on the Treaty of Nice and Mayor of Sligo, Sean MacManus has accused the Government of being at odds with the main players in Europe in relation to the development of the European Union.

Alderman MacManus said:

``It is clear from the recent pronouncements that the government's vision of the developing European Union as envisaged in the Treaty of Nice is at odds with other European leaders, including, Commission President, Romano Prodi, German Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer and French Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin.

``Bertie Ahern and Brian Cowen may well have wished that these people had kept their opinions to themselves as they have well and truly let the cat out of the bag as to the true nature of European integration under the Treaty of Nice.

``It is obvious that this Treaty does move us further towards a single  European Super State -  it does allow for the development of an EU Army and it does allow for the further moving of power from Ireland to Brussels.

``It is for these reasons that Sinn Fein is calling on people to vote NO.''

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