[Sinn Fein]

15 January 2001

High Court challenge initiated by Cllr Arthur Morgan to Louth County Council motion paving way for incinerator

Sinn Fein Louth County Councillor Arthur Morgan has initiated a High Court legal action to challenge today's motion passed by Louth County Council scrapping its earlier rejection of the Draft Waste Management Plan for the North-East Region.

The Draft Waste Management Plan was rejected in October because it included incineration, Cllr Morgan said.

Cllr Morgan explained:

``A rescinding resolution requires a two thirds majority of those present voting in favour.  Today's vote only had the support of 16 of the 25 councillors present with six voting against.  But the County Chairperson declared that the motion had received the necessary majority.

``I am contesting this decision to defend the democratic integrity of the elected members of Louth County Council and that is why I have initiated a legal challenge in the High Court.''  ENDS

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