[Sinn Fein]

17 January 2001

Kelly responds to David Trimble comments

Sinn Fein North Belfast Assembly member Gerry Kelly responding to comments made by David Trimble at St. Patrick's College said:

``Republicans have consistently honoured all commitments they have entered into.

``Trimble needs to look closer to home at honouring his own commitments before he criticises others.  The current crisis stems from Unionist obstructinism, the refusal of the UUP leadership to honour commitments it has made, the illegal sanctions Trimble has imposed on Sinn Fein ministers and the failure of the British government to honour commitments it made at Hillsborough last May.

``What is required at this time is for the governments and the political parties to return to the ethos and the principles which underpin the Good Friday Agreement.''

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