[Sinn Fein]

23rd October 2001

IRA initiative - "courageous and momentous move"

Sinn Fein South Dublin County Councillor Seán Crowe, who led the Sinn Fein delegation at the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, said he hopes that political opponents appreciate what he called the IRA's "courageous and momentous move" in the announcement of decommissioning to save the peace process.

Cllr Crowe said:

"Against a background of ongoing and widespread loyalist violence against nationalists, particularly in Ardoyne, political opponents should appreciate how momentous a move this is.

"The IRA has pushed the boat out to save the peace process and the political institutions. People should respond positively and imaginatively."

Cllr Crowe was Sinn Fein's pivotal figure at the Government-sponsored Forum for Peace and Reconciliation at Dublin Castle between 1994 and 1996. ENDS

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