[Sinn Fein]

2nd July 2002

De Brun congratulated on winning millions for investment in Health Service

Sinn Fein Chief Whip, West Belfast MLA Sue Ramsey, has congratulated the Six-County Health Minister for winning over £110 million for the Health Service.

Ms Ramsey said:

``Bairbre de Brun, supported by all of the political parties, has consistently battled for increased investment in our health services. Today is a victory for the Minster for Health - Bairbre de Brun has won millions for our Health Service in the negotiations on the Reform and Re-Investment Initiative.

``In particular the green light for the Regional Cancer Centre and over £25 million to carry out essential Hospital Capacity improvements will help us move to a much stronger position.

``But even after winning this significant increase in investment - we cannot escape the simple reality that this is only a start, much more needs to be done.

``We now need to significantly increase the baseline spending for the yearly health expenditure. This is the only mechanism that can mean we employ more nurses, doctors and other professionals allied to medicine. Wages will not be met through either the RRI or the monitoring rounds.''

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