[Sinn Fein]

5th July 2002

McGuinness calls for calm on streets and political progress

Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness MP speaking following his address to the Humbert School in Mayo this morning on the issue of education, said that what is urgently required is calm on our streets and political progress to stabilise the situation.

Mr. McGuinness said:

``It is obvious that there is a major battle taking place within unionism which is putting pressure on the process.  This is a battle both within the UUP and with the DUP and is occurring against the backdrop of a massive increase in orchestrated loyalist sectarian attacks at interface areas.

``The way forward is through collectively working together. There can be no sanctions taken against those people who vote for us or against any other section of the electorate.

``What is required is for unionists to work with the pro-agreement parties to bring an end to street disturbances and to implement the Good Friday Agreement.''ENDS

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