[Sinn Fein]

9th September 2002

Sinn Fein slams council decision on Shrewsbury Road

Sinn Fein spokesperson on Social and Community Affairs Deputy Seán Crowe has slammed the decision of Dublin City Council to allow a new development on Shrewsbury Road to go ahead without the provision of 20% social and affordable housing. Deputy Crowe said that the decision sent all the wrong signals to developers and worsened the inequity that exists in the housing sector.

Deputy Crowe said:

``The decision of Dublin City Council to allow a development on Shrewsbury Road to go ahead without providing for 20% social and affordable housing is a disgrace and sends out all the wrong signals to developers and speculators. It is a short-sighted move that will only serve to sustain the inequities that exist. It will ensure that accommodation prices remain artificially high in Dublin City and County and will help create further strains along the commuter belt and in surrounding counties.

``The Council must not allow itself to be bullied, brow-beaten or bribed into accepting less than what the laws dictates under the 2000 Planning and Development Act. The massive housing crisis that exists not just in this City but throughout the state is because developers and speculators have been given a free rein and allowed to dictate where people can and can't live. The Planning Act of 2000 was a means of redressing that imbalance and must not be undermined by the very people who are meant to enforce it.''

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