[Sinn Fein]

10th September 2002

McDowell to come clean on incineration

``Michael McDowell, Minister for Justice Equality & Law Reform, needs to come clean on his committment to his constituents.''

Speaking before a public meeting tonight, Sinn Fein's Daithí Doolan challenged Minister McDowell on his committment to ensuring that his constituency remains incinerator free.

Doolan pointed out ``I feel that the decision to build an incinerator in our constituency has alread been made. A Compulsory Purchase Order was issued on July 5th for land on the Poolbeg Peninsula, Ringsend. This indicates to me that it is all systems go. While in opposition Minister McDowell and myself campaigned against incineration, now he is government he needs to put his opposition into action. I am publicly challenging him to come out and assure us all that if the current government goes ahead with its plans to build an incinerator here in Ringsend that he will resign.

Politicians need to be held accountable for their actions and their promises. While on the election campaign trail Michael McDowell promised that `if elected he would oppose incineration.' Now he has the opportunity to prove himself and distance himself from a government that appears to be willing to suspend democracy in order to line the pockets of private busniess by building incinerators.''

Doolan is very clear, ``I have actively opposed incineration from day one. We need a waste managemet plan based not on incineration but on recycling, reusing and redusing the waste we produce.''

An anti incineration meeting is being organised for tonight 8pm, Clanna Gael GAA Club, Ringsend.

Sinn Fein Dublin South East Dublin 2
Tel: (353) 1 6712662   ·   Fax (353) 1 4974967
E-mail: daithidoolan@hotmail.com   ·   Website: http://www.daithidoolan.com

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