[Sinn Fein]

15th May 2002

Taoiseach challenged on future of Community Employment support jobs in drugs rehab projects

Sinn Fein's Dublin North East candidate, Councillor Larry O'Toole, has called on the Taoiseach to make ``an urgent public statement'' on if there are large-scale Community Employment job cuts which will affect drugs rehabilitation projects.

Cllr O'Toole said that both he and the Taoiseach represent a constituency with one of the most severe drugs situations in the State.

The Sinn Fein candidate said:

``People were led to believe that the 1,000 jobs on drugs support, rehabilitation and care projects were ring-fenced because they are in such a vital area of need. Now the word is that the Government has ordered that CE job vacancies should not be filled.

``The Taoiseach owes it to the thousands of recovering drugs addicts and their families to gve a clear statement on where his government stands on this issue and, more importantly, what the future holds for them if a Fianna Fáil-led government is returned.''

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