[Sinn Fein]

16th December 2002

Donaldson comments ``totally absurd''

West Belfast Sinn Fein Assembly member Bairbre de Brún has labelled as ``totally absurd'' the suggestion that change can be blocked even in the event that a majority of people here vote for a united Ireland.

The West Belfast MLA said:

``Let us be clear about one thing. If a majority of people in the Six Counties vote against the Union there will be a United Ireland.

``The Ulster Unionist Party have constantly run away from change and have attempted to block democratic politics at every turn.

``This latest stance by Jeffrey Donaldson, however, has decended to the level of farce. It is totally absurd for Jeffery Donaldson to suggest that change can be blocked even in the event that a majority of people vote for a United Ireland''.

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