[Sinn Fein]

20th November 2002

Ó Snodaigh calls on Dáil to widen terms of reference of Morris Tribunal

Sinn Fein spokesperson for Justice and Equality has called on the Dáil to support the McBrearty family's demand for the widening of the terms of reference of the Morris Tribunal in the interests of establishing the "full facts of the case".

Deputy Ó Snodaigh said:

"The call by the McBrearty's for the Dáil to widen the terms of reference of the Morris Tribunal is a perfectly reasonable one and must be supported by all members of the Oireachtas. It is crucial the full facts of this case are established.

"For that to happen all of those individuals, organisations and state bodies who have even had the most fleeting of connections to the case must be called to give an account of their knowledge of the issues involved.

"After years of protesting their innocence and of fighting what was a unbearable campaign of intimidation and vilification by members of An Garda Siochana the McBrearty family have a right to expect that they will be afforded the opportunity to completely vindicate their name. They also have a right to find out why Garda and State authorities compounded the McBrearty's situation by failing to act when very serious and damning accusations of Garda corruption and intimidation were being made.

"The Garda Commissioner, the Attorney General, the DPP and the Minister and former Minister for Justice as well as the Donegal State Solicitor all have intimate knowledge of this affair. Their presence as witnesses at the Tribunal is crucial if we are to get anywhere near the truth of what is undoubtedly one of the most scandalous episode in the history of the Gardaí.

"The terms of reference must also allow for the McBrearty's to be provided with the costs of their legal representation."

Deputy Ó Snodaigh also called for the terms of reference to be extended to cover the killing by loyalists of Donegal Sinn Fein Councillor Eddie Fullerton at his home in 1991.

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