[Sinn Fein]

23rd September 2002

Morgan concern at earthquake impact on Sellafield

Sinn Fein's spokesperson on the Environment, Arthur Morgan TD, has voiced his deep concern at the ``potentially devastating consequences of another earthquake in England and Wales on the BFNL plant at Sellafield''

Deputy Morgan said ``This mornings earthquake raises even further worries regarding the safety of the plant. The gravity of another earthquake closer to the plant doesn't bear thinking about''

``Adding to these worries is the fact that this earthquake, measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale was entirely unforeseen. Large parts of England and Wales shook and it is pure luck that the epicentre wasn't closer to the BFNL plant at Sellafield.

Sinn Fein is greatly concerned by even further potential for disaster at Sellafield and reiterates its call for the plants immediate closure. ENDS.

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