[Sinn Fein]

28th March 2002

Illegal dumping grounds are the legacy of failed government policy

Sinn Fein County Councillor Gerry Murray has described the latest discoveries of illegal dumps through out the country as ``the appalling legacy of the government's privatisation policy for waste disposal.'' He also expressed his fears that these latest finds were only the tip of the iceberg.

Speaking at a meeting of Sinn Fein workers in Kiltimagh Councillor Murray said.``It is no coincidence that these dumps are being discovered now. The government's waste management strategy, which has placed private enterprise in the frontline, is to blame.   Again we see private operators playing dangerous games with the health and safety of people lives - all in the name of profit.

``It is clear that private companies cannot be depended upon to dispose of waste properly. The very nature of the industry means it is too prone to abuse by cowboy operators. Industrial and household waste disposal must remain in the hands of local authorities that can properly control and regulate it.

``A proper waste management policy that promotes reduction, recycling and reuse  would be a better approach for the government and local authorities to adopt rather than trying to wash their hands of  the waste disposal issue and delegate it to the Private Sector.''

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