[Sinn Fein]

2nd June 2003

McLaughlin in London to highlight collusion

Sinn Fein Chairperson Mitchel Mc Laughlin is on a two day visit to London to brief media and politicians on British Intelligence Agencies collusion with Unionist paramilitaries Mr. Mc Laughlin will meet with MPs and Peers from all of the main parties as well as the Editorial Boards of some of the major British newspapers. He will also brief representatives of several Foreign Embassies while in London.  Before leaving the Sinn Fein Chairperson said:

``At a time when questions are being asked and calls are being made for the setting up of Select Committees to investigate British Intelligence Services tactics of deceit about Iraq it is important that the British public and its elected representatives are fully informed of the activities of these same forces closer to home - in the North of Ireland. I will be presenting those that I meet with a dossier of incidents of direct British Military and RUC Special Branch involvement in the state sanctioned murders of citizens in the North of Ireland. I will also take the opportunity to visit the Bloody Sunday Inquiry ` the greatest example of British State murder and its attempts to pervert the search for the truth in the last 30 years.''

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