[Sinn Fein]

3rd June 2003

Sinn Fein MPs meet Ian Pearson on jobs for the west

West of the Bann Sinn Fein MPs Pat Doherty, Michelle Gildernew and Martin Mc Guinness are to meet with Direct Rule Industry Minister Ian Pearson later today (Tuesday 3rd) to discuss deteriorating state of the economy and particularly the continuing bleeding of jobs from the textile sector in the northwest and West of the Bann.

Speaking before the meeting Mr Doherty said,

``We will be impressing upon the Minister of the need to adopt a more hands on approach in tackling the jobs crisis in the North West and west of the Bann.

``In particular we will be impressing upon him of the need to initiate a cross-departmental task force and put in place a holistic strategy encompassing re-training, infrastructure, inward investment and greater support for indigenous industry.

``We will also seek technical and financial support for specific local job creation projects which could help offset some of the recent devastating job losses in the region.''

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