[Sinn Fein]

4th February 2003

Sinn Fein Councillor calls for Spire to be christened by the people of Dublin

Sinn Fein Dublin City Councillor Christy Burke has called for the naming of the Dublin Spire to be put to a public poll or to a children's school competition so that the people of Dublin can claim ownership of the newest part of their city. Councillor Burke began discussions over the matter with fellow councillors and with the City Manager last night.

Councillor Burke said:

"The current suggested name for the spire - 'The Millenium Spire' - is no longer truly reflective of the monument and should be changed. My personal suggestion would be the Padraig Pearse Spire, given its proximity to the GPO and to remember the man who led the 1916 rising from that location.

"What I would like to see happen, however, is a public poll or a competition for school children, to let the people of Dublin select their own name for the spire. This would give Dubliners a sense of ownership of the newest addition to their city.

"People in this city all too often, feel that decisions that affect them directly are made by faceless individuals and that they have no power over their own environment. This is a chance for the Dublin City Manager to listen to the views of the people instead of some anonymous consultative committee. I am calling on him to do this immediately."

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