[Sinn Fein]

8th February 2003

Morgan attacks Indaver double speak and calls on EPA to review their safety record in Belgium

Sinn Fein TD for Louth, Arthur Morgan, today called on An Bord Pleannala to reject the Indaver Carranstown Incinerator planning application after revelations about incinerator shutdowns in the company's Belgian operations. Deputy Morgan also called on the Department of the Environment and the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to urgently investigate the safety record of Indaver in Belgium

Deputy Morgan said:

"Residents in Louth, Meath and North Dublin will all have quite legitimate health fears after it was revealed that an incinerator in Antwerp, run by Belgian waste company Indaver N.V.,  had been closed since August after it failed to show it could control dioxin emissions.

"I have serious concerns about the future safe management of a similar incinerator project in Ireland.

"By saying that the plant was not shut but "switched off Indaver Ireland have being playing with words rather than responding to our health and safety fears. Do they want expect households of three counties to have to live in fear of the impact that dioxins leaked from a faulty incinerator would have on the health of their families.

"For three decades we have had to endure the double speak of British Nuclear Fuels. It is incredible that the cycle seems to be starting all over again with this incinerator proposal. The Belgian EPA has refused permission for the Antwerp incinerator to restart operations. I urge the Irish EPA to investigate the situation of Indaver in Belgium and report back to Bord Plenanala. "

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