[Sinn Fein]

11th May 2003

British Must Come Clean On Collusion

Commenting on media speculation surrounding the activities of a British Agent codenamed 'Stakeknife' Sinn Fein Policing Spokesperson Gerry Kelly said:

" The claims being made in the weekend media surrounding the alledged activities of a British Agent working for FRU are extremely serious. They add further weight to what is now a compelling arguement that the British State operated a policy of assassination against citizens living in the Six Counties.

" FRU was not a rogue element of the British war apparatus, it was and continues to be, under a new name, at the very core of British military policy in Ireland. Sinn Fein will continue to demand that the British government come clean on their collusion policy and we will continue to support the families of those killed through it in their demands for the truth."

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