[Sinn Fein]

24th February 2003

Crowe Welcomes Supreme Court Judgement on Carrickmines

Sinn Fein TD Seán Crowe has welcomed the Supreme Court decision to grant an order halting the removal of part of a medieval ditch at Carrickmines Castle.

The Dublin South-West TD said: ``The stance taken by those at Carrickmines has been proved justified. They have been saying from the start that the Council was breaking the law in carrying out works at the castle without consent under the National monuments Act.

``When I raised this matter in Leinster House the Minister for Transport refused to accept such an argument. If the authorities had been prepared to accept this months ago we would not have the delays to the new motorway which we will now have. The fault for this lies squarely with the government.

``I would like to congratulate all of those people involved on the ground who have done so much to protect out national heritage.'' ENDS

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