[Sinn Fein]

7 January 1999

Lenadoon `Punishment Attacks'

Statement from local Sinn Fein Councillor Gerard O Neill on last nights shootings in the Lenadoon area.

``Sinn Fein's position on attacks of this nature is clear. We have consistently and indeed for many years worked for an end to such attacks. These actions, while clearly wrong, are the result of a policing vacuum. We have put forward constructive proposals to end this policing vacuum.

``In recent times Sinn Fein has worked alongside community groups and statutory agencies to initiate Community Restorative Justice Programmes. The aim of these projects is to tackle the causes of crime and empower the local community to deal positively in resolving such problems. It is our belief that they can work successfully , thereby eradicating `punishment attacks'.''

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