[Sinn Fein]

22nd January 1999

Sinn Fein Supports Calls For Legal Aid for Rape Victims

Sinn Fein representative for South East Inner City Daithí Doolan supporting calls by the Rape Crisis Centre for Minister for Justice Mr. O'Donoghue to introduce new legislation to provide rape victims with legal aid in court.

Mr. Doolan said:

``I see no reason whatsoever why Mr. O'Donoghue hasn't pushed forward with this legislation. This is a straight forward and common sense provision that is needed, especially when one looks at the increase in rape statistics for the past year. Mr. O'Donoghue has said previously that he was in favour of implementing this type of legal aid provision so what's he stalling for?

``These people have been victims once already there's no need for them to be victims inthe cuortroom as well.''

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