[Sinn Fein]

3 March 1998

Donnelly extends Céad Míle Fáilte to Gerry Adams

Sinn Fein candidate Paul Donnelly this morning extended a Céad Míle Fáilte to Dublin North to party President Gerry Adams MP. Mr. Adams began the morning by visiting Santry Woods with the Save Santry Woods Campaign. He then canvassed Rivervalley and the Main Street in Swords and concluded his visit to the constituency by meeting with striking workers in Ryanair.

Speaking in the constituency Mr. Adams said:

``I am very glad to have this opportunity to meet with and offer my support to the striking baggage handlers in Ryanair as Sinn Fein believes that all workers are entitled to proper representation around low pay. In terms of practical support Sinn Fein have said that we will not be using Ryanair during this dispute. Furthermore I am calling on people to think twice about using the airline during this dispute.

``This dispute clearly highlights the growing disparity between the already well-off and those on low pay in our society. Increasingly we have seen the acceptance of growing economic division and the development of a low wage economy of `yellow pack' jobs and temporary employment schemes. This is not the inevitable shape of the Irish economy.

``Sinn Fein are standing in this by-election committed to real social, economic and political change, to eliminating poverty and to offering an effective alternative to the corruption and failed politics which have been a feature of political life here in recent years.

``Paul Donnelly is one of an increasing number of community activists who are working on the ground with people to bring about change. He has been particularly active in working with the community to tackle the rising drugs problem in the constituency.

``Sinn Fein is an all Ireland party with over 100 Councillors, two MP's and one TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. We are working side by side with people demanding positive change throughout our country. We have taken our increased mandate in recent years very seriously and have used it to give a strong and determined voice to those we represent locally and nationally. A tradition which Paul Donnelly which continue to follow.

``I want to make a special appeal to first time voters and to those who have not voted in previous elections. Your vote, and how you use it, will influence the direction our society will take. By not voting you are accepting things as they are and are allowing your future to be decided by others.

``A vote for Sinn Fein is a vote for change. Our message in this by-election in one of hope - hope for a new and peaceful future in a society of equals.''

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