[Sinn Fein]

21 March 1998

Sinn Fein to return to talks on Monday

Speaking following a meeting of the party's Ard Chomhairle Sinn Fein Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin announced that the party will return to the talks in Castle Buildings on Monday.

Mr. McLaughlin said:

``Sinn Fein will return to Castle Buildings next Monday in a positive and constructive frame of mind. Although we have reservations about the talks process we will continue to make a contribution to the process of change now underway. All parties in Ireland must aim to maximise the political change which is required if we are to arrive at a democratic settlement.

``There is no doubt of the commitment among nationalist opinion throughout the island for an inclusive and democratic settlement. Those parties who represent them should work with common purpose to exert the maximum pressure in order to achieve national self-determination.

``National rights require that the sovereignty of the Irish people be acknowledged and incorporated in any new agreement.

``Sinn Fein will continue to demand and campaign for an end to British rule in Ireland. There must be fundamental constitutional change which removes Britain's aggressive territorial claim and which will lead towards the peaceful re-unification of Ireland.

``The Irish Constitution must not be altered in any manner which would re-define the Irish nation, the national territory, remove the constitutional imperative, or dilute Irish citizenship.''

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