[Sinn Fein]

25th March 1999

Flanagan's actions make case for RUC disbandment compelling

Statement from Sinn Fein Assembly Member for West Belfast and spokesperson on Policing Bairbre deBrún calling on the British Government to act over Ronnie Flanagan's head, and take decisive action against both the RUC officers involved in threatening Rosemary Nelson and those involved in investigating these threats.

Ms de Brún said:

``Ronnie Flanagan is clearly of a similar mindset to the RUC personnel involved in threatening Rosemary Nelson and those who attempted to cover up those threats. His failure to act against these officers and his public defence of their position confirms this.

``Flanagan's defence of both sets of RUC officers and his failure to act against them confirms that the force is guilty of institutionalised sectarianism from the Chief Constable down. His failure to act or indeed publish in full the ICPC report shows that he believes that himself and his force are above any scrutiny or accountability.

``The killings of Rosemary Nelson and Pat Finucane have had a massive impact on the nationalist community. The attitude of the RUC in the aftermath of both killings makes the case for its disbandment compelling.''

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