[Sinn Fein]

25th March 1999

Sinn Fein calls for judicial inquiry into Hamill Killing

Sinn Fein Assembly member for Upper Bann Dr. Dara O'Hagan has called for a `full, international and independent judicial investigation into the killing of Robert Hamill. Dr. O'Hagan's comments were made following the announcement of the verdict into the killing which found Portadown man Hobson not guilty.

Dr. O'Hagan said:

``It is quite clear from today's verdict that at no level within the administration of justice or the RUC can nationalists receive justice. It is incredible that Robert Hamill was kicked to death as the RUC watched on and yet none of the men arrested have been found guilty and no action taken against the RUC personnel involved.

``Sinn Fein is calling for a full, international and independent judicial investigation into both the murder of Robert Hamill and the RUC's handling of the incident and investigation.

``Today's judgement and the behaviour of the RUC on the ground can only be described as one of institutionalised sectarianism and once again underlines the urgent need for the RUC's disbandment and replacement with a new and accountable police service.''ENDS

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