[Sinn Fein]

24 April 1996


Dublin Sinn Fein is mounting a picket on the Israeli Embassy at 4.30pm today to protest at the cowardly assault on the defenceless people of Lebanon by the Israeli Army, Navy and Airforce.

Speaking in Dublin today prior to the picket, Sinn Fein Councillor Christy Burke said:

``The Israeli government claims it is targeting Hezbollah fighters but its attacks are directed at helpless Lebanese refugees like those sheltering in the UN base at Qana and UN relief convoys trying to bring food and medicine to stricken villagers along `Gunboat Alley' - the main Beruit to Sidon road. Israel has also deliberately destroyed much of Lebanon's civilian infrastructure such as the electricity system which was rebuilt with the help of Irish ESB workers. Israels latest slaughter of Arab civilians is simply sowing the seeds of future conflict in the region.

``Sinn Fein calls on the Israeli government to respect the rights of the Lebanese people and withdraw from Lebanon, and the remaining occupied parts of Syria and Palestine, and allow inclusive negotiations to bring about a just and lasting settlement in that long-troubled area.''

Sinn Fein Press Office, 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Tel: +353-1-8726100 and +353-1-8726839   ·   Fax +353-1-8733074
E-mail: sinnfein@irlnet.com   ·   Website: http://www.sinnfein.org

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