[Sinn Fein]

18th May 1999

Dublin/Monagahan bombings probe demanded

Sinn Fein North Inner City Councillor Christy Burke has today demanded an immediat independent inquiry into the 1974 Dublin/Monaghan bombings. He made his call after ceremonies held in recent days to mark the 25th anniversary of the bombing.

``The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, made time to attend the mass in Marlborough Street on Monday in Dublin, but the relatives of the victims want actions from him rather than expressions of sympathy.

``The dogs in the street know that the British were involved in planning and executing this murder. It is time the truth was exposed and nothing less than a full independent inquiry will suffice.

``This state has spent millions on tribunals to investigate beef and offshore accounts. Surely, after 25 years of suffering, the relatives of the greatest mass murder ever perpetrated during the Troubles deserve some truth and justice also.''

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