[Sinn Fein]

18th May 1999

TD's call to David Andrews on cross-border incursion

Sinn Fein Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has called on the Minister for Foreign Affairs David Andrews to make a strong protest to the British authorities following a cross -border incursion on Monday evening during which a man was assaulted by four British soldiers on the Monaghan side of the border.

Deputy Ó Caoláin said:

``I have been contacted this morning by a constituent about a very serious incident which occurred in County Monaghan last evening. Owen Charles McMahon, Derryvolan, Knockatallon, County Monaghan was stopped in his own car by British soldiers on the County Monaghan side of the border at 7.15pm on Monday 17 May. Mr McMahon was then assaulted by four British soldiers.

``The incident occurred at Derryletigan (Flynn's Crossing) and waswitnessed by two local men. A formal report and complaint has been lodged with the Gardaí at Scotstown.

``This cross-border incursion and assault by British soldiers is an outrage. I have urged the Minister for Foreign Affairs David Andrews to make a strong protest to the British authorities and to request a detailed report from them. It is incredible that this type of incident persists and makes a nonsense of claims that British military activity is being scaled down.''ENDS

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