[Sinn Fein]

28 May 1996

Adams amazed by Hendron's remarks

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has expressed his ``disappointment'' at remarks in this mornings London Times by SDLP MP Joe Hendron in which Dr. Hendron accuses Sinn Fein of being a ``secratian, fascist organisation''.

Mr. Adams said:

``I am perplexed and amaxed at Joe Hendron's comments. His remarks are both an insult to his party but also to the tens of thousands who support Sinn Fein.

``I am confident that people know and appreciate the efforts and risks Sinn Fein has taken for peace in recent years and I'm sure they share with me a deep sense of disappointment that Dr. Hendron has seen fit to make accusations which can only give succour to those opposed to any efforts to restore the peace process.''

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