[Sinn Fein]

22nd June 1999

Revelations embarrassing securocrats

Sinn Fein Assembly Member for Newry and Armagh Conor Murphy has branded the decision to prosecute ex-para turned author Tony Geraghty as ``entirely predictable'' considering the embarrassment caused to the securocrats within the British establishment from his book.

The details, published in ex-para Tony Geraghty's book the Irish War indicate that the British Army intends to maintain and increase its presence in the Six Counties for the foreseeable future. Geraghty states ``Throughout the IRA ceasefires of 1995 and 1§997-98, the British army energetically modernised its armoury of computers. The scale and cost of this programme reflected the army's belief that it would continue to fight an intelligence war in Northern Ireland (sic) for many years ahead.' The book also states that the British army would maintain `a complete division of 10,000 troops or more for the foreseeable future.'

Mr. Murphy said:

``The revelation confirmed Sinn Fein's long held belief that the British army are undertaking a constant programme of remilitarisation especially in South Armagh. Despite very clear provisions within the Good Friday Agreement Security's section the British government are speaking the language of peace and disarmament while their army are rebuilding, rearming and expanding.

``The book in question showed clearly the agenda of securocrats within the British military establishment, the attempt to prosecute Mr. Geraghty and his publishers stems from the predictable embarrassment which this has caused.''ENDS

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