[Sinn Fein]

24 June 1996

Kelly Accuses the RUC

Sinn Fein North Belfast representative Gerry Kelly has described the decision by the RUC in North Belfast to force an Orange Parade through a nationalist area as ``totally and absolutely wrong and in keeping with the sectarian unionist traditions of the RUC''.

Mr. Kelly accused the RUC of using ``provocative and abusive behaviour'' and he demanded that ``in the weeks ahead no further orange marches should be allowed to parade through any nationalist area which says no!''

Mr. Kelly said:

``Sinn Fein will defend the right of the Orange Order to parade adn demonstrate. What is unacceptable is the routing of sectarian and triumphalist orange marches through nationalist areas where their presence is resented and opposed. Local communities have the right to withhold their consent to this activity.''

Finally Mr. Kelly urged all of those injured last night by the RUC to see their doctors and solicitors adn through legal action make a further challenge to the RUC decision to support this Orange march. Mr. Kelly also appealed for calm and asked the many angry young people in the area ``not to do anything which will only divert attention away from the real culprits in this situation -the Orange Order and their allies in the RUC''

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