[Sinn Fein]

28th June 1999

William St March Provocative

Sinn Fein Assembly member for Upper Bann Dr Dara O'Hagan has labelled this Friday's Orange march through William Street in Lurgan as ``provocative''. The march will pass the former offices of Rosemary Nelson. Speaking after a Parades Commission announcement that the march would be allowed through the contentious area, Dr O'Hagan said:

``Fridays march through William Street in Lurgan is coming at a time of increased tension in the Lurgan and Portadown areas. 10 parades have been filed for by the Orange Order for the first 13 days of July for Lurgan alone. All of these will mean disruption to the town, its social and economic life aswell as excessive levels of militarisation.

``It is without doubt that this parade is intentionally provocative. However the Parades Commission chose to ignore the impact of the narch on the local nationalist community. They also chose to ignore the fact that previouse Orange parades have failed to comply with restrictions imposed by the Parades commission by playing sectarian tunes etc. It is also significant that attacks on nationalist homes have always increased both during and immediatley after such parades.

Dr Dara O'Hagan concluded:

``This march comes on the same day as the so called ``Long March''. This means that two contentious marches will travel through the area in the one day. This is an intolerable situation''ENDS

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