[Sinn Fein]

9th July 1999

Church robbery slammed

Sinn Fein Councillor Tom Hartley speaking this morning from the Methodist Church community centre on the Springfield Road has branded those responsible for burglaring the building last night as ``beneath contempt''.

Cllr Hartley said:

``It is outrageous that anybody's property is attacked in this manner. The fact that it is a community facility further compounds this action. Whoever was responsible seems to have gone on a spree of destruction inside the centre. It appears that the motive for last nights attack was burglary. It should be remembered that the community centre is in the grounds of the Methodist Church. Last nights action is not just an insult on the local Methodist congregation it is an attack on the entire community on Springfield Road.

Cllr Hartely concluded:

``I have spoken with the Church officals and assured them that myself and the people of the area will do all in our power to assist the Methodist congrgation at this difficult time.''

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