[Sinn Fein]

12 July 1998

Heartfelt sympathy - Gerry Adams

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP today expressed his ``heartfelt sympathy'' to the Quinn family who lost three children in a petrol bomb attack and the family of the young man from north Belfast who was beaten to death.

Mr. Adams said:

``The loss of life last night was an appalling tragedy for the families involved. My heart goes out to them. They have the sympathy of the entire people of this country. These killings should not have happened.

``I am calling on the Orange Order to back off, to end their siege at Drumcree. I am also calling on the RUC and the Ballynafeigh Orange Lodge to end the curfew of the people of the Lower Ormeau Road. The Ballynafeigh Lodge should call off their march tomorrow.

``The leadership of the Orange Order and those Unionist politicians who use anti-Catholic rhetoric cannot now wash their hands of the consequences of their actions and comments.

``I am calling on the Orange Order to begin face to face talks with local residents to resolve these disputed marches.''ENDS

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