[Sinn Fein]

28 July 1998

Institutions must be put in place - Adams

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP speaking after a meeting this afternoon with the British Secretary of State Mo Mowlam said that ``the imperative now must be to ensure that the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement are implemented, and specifically this means that the institutions which were agreed, the Executive, the all-Ireland Ministerial Council, and the implementation bodies have to be put in place speedily.''

Mr. Adams said:

``Almost four months after the Agreement only the Assembly and the First and Deputy First Minister have been established and appointed. With only six weeks left to the next meeting of the Assembly no proper consultation has taken place or progress made on agreeing the number of departments to be established, on the appointment of Ministers or on the setting up of the Executive.

``Moreover, the Executive and the Irish and British governments must agree by October 31st a programme of work for the all-Ireland Ministerial Council and the implementation bodies which are to be established. No discussions have taken place on these matters.

``If we are to fulfil the requirements and timetable set out in the Agreement the two governments have to sharply focus now on these issues and commence a structured and inclusive dialogue with all of the parties to meet the deadline for the all-Ireland institutions and work programme.''ENDS

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