[Sinn Fein]

2 August 1996

Apprentice Boys must talk to Local Communities

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has called on the Apprentice Boys organisation to ``accept the centrality of dialogue with local communities as the only basis for progress on resolving this critical issue of marches through areas where their presence is resented and objected to''.

Mr. Adams said:

``Apart from the main march in Derry on August 10th there are a series of other smaller marches in the morning and evening of the same day as Apprentice Boys across the six counties go to and from Derry.

``Many of these, particularly the Lower Ormeau Road, are a source of major concern.

``The Apprentice boys must as a matter of urgency enter into a dialogue with the host communities through which they plan to march. They must seek their consent to march.''

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