[Sinn Fein]

15 August 1996

Baker - `Cheap Propaganda'

Sinn Fein Ard Chomhairle member and Belfast Councillor Pat McGeown has accused former US Secretary of State James Baker ``of engaging in cheap propaganda'' and of ``cynically trying to exploit the conflict in Ireland for party political advantage in the US Presidential campaign''. Mr. McGeown urged Mr. Baker to ``refrain from this opportunistic and irresponsible approach to the Presidential election battle''.

Mr. McGeown said:

``In the search for a lasting peace in Ireland no US President has made a more positive and constructive contribution than President Clinton..

``That fact was clearly acknowledged by the Irish people in the warm and enthusiastic welcome for the President last year. It is a view widely shared by the Irish/American community and including members and supporters and publicly elected officials of the republican party.

``Mr. Baker's failed policy, while US Secretary of State, of allowing the British government to dictate US policy on Ireland, ensured that the US played no progressive role in the search for peace in Ireland. ``This US administration has on the contrary adopted a balanced, even handed approach and has sought through honest dialogue to resolve a deep rooted conflict. The evidence of its success in recent years is clear.

``If Mr. Baker has a genuine concern for a real peace in Ireland he should refrain from this opportunistic and irresponsible approach to the Presidential election battle.''

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