[Sinn Fein]

21 August 1998

O Caoláin speaks at Humbert School

Cavan /Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin today spoke at the Humbert Bicentenary School in Ballina, County Mayo. Referring to the Omagh atrocity he said :

``Those who carried out this bombing are acting against the will of the overwhelming majority of people on this island and I stress against the will of the broad mass of Irish republican opinion which is united and strong in its determination to press on with the peace process and build a lasting peace settlement. That unity and determination and the will of the Irish people must prevail upon this minuscule group to desist. A continuation of their campaign would be the antithesis of the United Irish ideals which they claim to follow.''

Addressing the theme of the seminar `EU expansion Reform and Local Development, Deputy Ó Caol&aaacute;in highlighted the economic plight of the border counties, the west and the Midlands, he said:

``Objective 1 Status must be designated regionally and the funds for the region must be enhanced in the next round. To do this the government must commit itself to seek EU Commission acceptance of the regionalisation of this State in order to secure these areas `unquestionable needs and right to fair access to EU supports for infrastructural and human resources development funds''

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