[Sinn Fein]

18 September 1998

UUP must keep its word

Mid Ulster MP Martin McGuinness has accused Ulster Unionists of attempting to resurrect the Unionist veto in order to stall the establishment of the Executive while moving to hold meetings of the all-Ireland Ministerial Council and the British-Irish Council.

Mr. McGuinness said:

``All of the institutions to be established under the Good Friday Agreement are interlocked and interdependent. The Executive is an integral part of these structures. There can be no Assembly, no all-Ireland Ministerial Council, no British-Irish Council and no agreement without the Executive in place fulfilling its role. There can be no Executive without Sinn Fein's full participation.

``This is the reality. This is the agreement which David Trimble and the UUP signed up to on Good Friday. Mr. Trimble and his colleagues knew what they were agreeing to, it had been thoroughly discussed.

``Having given their word it is now for the UUP to honour it. There can be no resurrection of the Unionist veto to frustrate the change agreed in the Good Friday Agreement.

``Sinn Fein will fulfil our commitments.''

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