[Sinn Fein]

4th November 1999

British Army Files in Orange Hall Find `Underlines Collusion'

Sinn Fein has called on Security Minister Adam Ingram to give an immediate explanation to the public as to how 300 British Army security files on nationalists appeared in a loyalist paramilitary cache in an Orange Hall.

Sinn Fein Assembly member Conor Murphy's call came after revelations that the photographs, names and personal details of up to 300 nationalist and republican families were discovered after a raid on Stonyford Orange Hall, County Antrim, last week.

Mr Murphy said:

``It has been brought to my attention that the majority of the files and documents in the Stonyford Orange Hall raid relate to nationalists in the South Armagh and greater Belfast area. It underscores again the level of collusion which exists between loyalist death squads and the British Army/RUC. Indeed, only last week the RUC sent a summons to a man at an incorrect address. The man has also received a loyalist death threat at this same address.

``In light of this I am calling for Security Minister Adam Inghram to clarify the situation and ensure that those concerned are given details of what information was involved. Mr Inghram owes an explanation to the families put at risk by these security files being in the hands of loyalist paramilitaries.''


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