[Sinn Fein]

17 November 1998

Unionists Dismantling Agreement

Statement from Sinn Fein assembly member, Mitchell McLauglin, accusing the Ulster Unionist party of being engaged in a, ``planned, programmtic attempt'' to dismantle the `Good Friday' agreement.

Mr McLaughlin said:

``Having successfully blocked the establishment of the Executive and All-Ireland Ministerial Council the Unionists are now turning their attention to other elements of the agreement which are not to their liking. Mr Trimble and Taylor's comments on the release of political prisoners is an indication that the unionists are involved in a planned programmatic attempt to dismantle the `Good Friday' agreement.''

``It will come as no surprise if in the next coming days and weeks the unionists turn their attention to the equality provisions and the elements of the agreement dealing the Irish Language.''

``The Agreement in its entirety has been ratified by the overwhelming majority of the Irish people. Attempts to systematically dismantle the provisions of the Agreement is an attempt to ride rough-shod over the expressed will of the Irish people.''

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