[Sinn Fein]

2 December 1998

McCreevy could have done more

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams MP in an initial response to today's budget has said that the government had failed to avail of the opportunity to spread the benefits of economic prosperity across the dividing lines of Irish society.

Mr. Adams said:

``I welcome Charlie McCreevy's admission today that everyone is not benefiting equally from current economic growth but I would ask why he did not listen to his own words and avail of the opportunity to share prosperity on the island.

``Today's budget is one of the most feel good budgets of the last 20 years but it has singularly failed to spread the benefits of economic prosperity across the dividing lines of Irish society. This budget was not about radical or fundamental change but was instead about tinkering with a failed system.

``The reality is that very many people are struggling to get to work due to traffic gridlock, they are struggling to buy a family home due to rising house prices and are dispairing of problems in health and education. There was little in the budget to comfort them.

``At a time of high economic growth those living in poverty are continuing to lose out with social welfare increases that barely keep pace with the rate of inflation and little support for those trying to get back to work. The government has failed to avail of this unprecedented opportunity to reduce society's ills.''

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