[Sinn Fein]

8 December 1996

Nothing new or positive - Adams

Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams commenting on remarks made today on BBC by British Prime Minister John Major said:

``Mr. Major has consistently reduced efforts to find a peace settlement to the level of PR soundbites and `spot the spin'.

``There is nothing new or positive in his remarks today. On the contrary not only has he ignored the rights of voters in the north, not only has he rejected yet another peace initiative but he has said that the question of inclusive peace talks will be decided by British military and RUC intelligence.

``This is not likely to create much confidence in his commitment given the dirty tricks and collusion record of these agencies.

``If Mr. Major wants even at this late stage in his career to play a leadership role then he should call inclusive all-party talks without preconditions now.''

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